
Showing posts with the label transgender

Julie - A Tale Of Dead Society

  Once there was a human who belonged to a different gender orientation from a dead society. She was told that she is useless and a lesser human just because of her sexual orientation. Her mistake was that, unfortunately she born in that dark culture and that culture does not accept her. Her own parents abandoned her. She was not given the chance of education and job. Boldness and bravery was her traits. So, when she grew up she stand against the law of that dark forest and started fighting for herself and her tribe. Yes, you are right her name was Julie a transgender. In Pakistan transgenders are the most deprived part of society. They are not given their basic rights. There is not education and jobs for them. For there bread and butter they dance is wedding and streets. A huge amount of them are in sex slavery. So, they are living their lives under the line of poverty and full of miseries. Some year back there gender was not included in national identity cards. Julie started her acti


The socially constructed characteristics of women and man refer to genders such as norms, values, roles and relationships of and between groups of women and man. But here I also want to mention transgender because there are three genders. It varies from society to society and can be changed and developed. Pakistan is a male dominant country which results mostly to cause the less opportunities and authority of decision making for women and transgender. There are a lot of changed values and norms that varies from society to society although it is a Muslim country but still the norms and ethical values differ a lot There are two main objectives for genders. First objective seeks to identify categories and expend dialogue on gender oriented issues as, the chronic issues and emerging issues. These issues extensively relied on existing literature on gender, which takes into account the problems of gender inequality in Pakistan. Secondly the country gender profile aims at enhancing understa