8 Ways To Build Confidence

12 Lessons to Learn from Confident People

Don’t you believe in yourself? Do you check your self again and again in the mirror and yet not satisfied with your looks? Do you have a phobia of speaking in front of people? Or you often start shaking while giving a presentation or interview? Do you think that you are not pretty enough? Successful enough? Do You think of yourself as inferior? Do You think your clothes don’t look perfect on you? If the answer is YES! Then you don’t have any of the above problems you just lack confidence.

In today’s world, there is one thing which is more important than your skill and that is “Confidence”. No matter how much your reasons are strong or you have polished skills, but if you lack confidence level; believe me, you are just dumb! And no one will be interested in what you want to say. And sometime even your weak logics could be covered by your confidence. Confidence is not something you can touch but it’s an energy that is radiating by your body language and affects others. A positive attitude and confidence can take a person to the peaks of success.

From my childhood, I was told and I also believed the I’m confident enough to deal with any situation. As I grew the level of confidence in me increased day by day. Sometime during my presentations when people asked the random question and I am not clear about answers; I just guess something and answer them, the good thing is they somehow believe and it's due to the vibrant confidence personality. So confidence is the key and it will lead to success. No one is perfect or flawless. We all have dark sides but the beauty of this life is that we survive every day and then we push all these things in our past and learn to eliminate those fears. So, this conclusiveness is important, and sooner or later everyone has to conquer it.

Confidence is not something that you can achieve in days. Yeah, some people have this inborn ability but others have to gradually build it. You can take certain small steps to achieve it.  

1: Face your fears:

There is always a phobia behind your lack of confidence. First of all, you have to figure out those fears and then face them. Mainly people have fear about their looks that they don’t look good enough. Or maybe you might think that you don’t have good logic? So how could you know that you don’t have good reasoning if you don’t speak them? So have to defeat your internal fears.

2: Homework:

Whenever you are going to speak about a specific topic like a presentation in your office or you are going on a stage then you must research the topic and get as much information about it as much you can get. This will bring satisfaction in you that you know enough about the topic and make you at ease while talking.

3: Truthfulness:

Believe me or not but the thing which makes you bold and confident in truth. When you are talking about a fact or idea and deep down know that it is not the right thing then you can’t sound confident. Truth is the basic element that makes you blunt and bold.

4: Take stand for yourself:

You should know your rights because you are born with them. And if somethings happening around you which do not make you comfortable then you should take a stand and tell the world that you are no “OK” with that thing.

5: Speak to yourself:

take some time from you and may have a cup of tea, coffee, ice-cream or whatever you want with you and sit with yourself. Try to understand where in the world you are standing. What do you want in life? These alone moments with yourself some time make you understand things batter.

6: Belief in your instinct:

There is always a personal instinct an inner voice that tells you that you are doing right or wrong. Always believe that instinct because it’s your inner voice and it who you are.

7: Build a reading habit:

Reading is a source of knowledge. Knowledge drives confidence in you. It makes your arguments more reasonable. So if you want to be confident then build strong reading habits.

8: Be yourself:

Accept it that you are not Opera Winfrey, Barack Obama, MJ, Paulo Coelho, or Leonel Messi. You have a very different personality. There is a huge difference between them and your personality. Identify yourself and carry it with honor.

In the end, I just want to ask you that whoever you are and whatever great dreams you have just don’t abandon your goals and ambitions. If you couldn’t run fast enough toward them then a tiny step every day will do perfectly fine for you. Take steps with dignity and honor and keep this thing in your mind that you are a very unique part of this universe and not a single person in the world is like you. And this uniqueness and individuality will bring loads of confidence in you. 


  1. Woww its very good and helpful πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  2. Wow!!amazing my dear πŸ˜πŸ’“

  3. Amazing Hafsa!

    Keep it up πŸ’ͺπŸ‘Œ

  4. nice article..really liked while reading.
    Good job..keep it up..
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